
Tower Records Namba

Препоръчвано от 39 местни жители,
Окончателно затворено
12-22 Nanbasennichimae
Osaka, Osaka

Съвети от местните жители

May 8, 2017
Loft is a popular Japanese variety store that sells a wide range of fashionable household items and everyday necessities.They have an amazingly diverse range of products, from stationery and kitchen utensils to cosmetics, suitcases, furniture and ornaments. Everything is stylish and high quality here, which has made Loft the go-to store for many quality-conscious shoppers in Japan.
Loft is a popular Japanese variety store that sells a wide range of fashionable household items and everyday necessities.They have an amazingly diverse range of products, from stationery and kitchen utensils to cosmetics, suitcases, furniture and ornaments. Everything is stylish and high quality her…

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Местните жители също препоръчват