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Домакин на изживяване

Определяне на нивата на умения във връзка с изживявания с Airbnb

How skilled do guests need to be to enjoy an Airbnb Experience safely? The Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) has come up with sample descriptions to help Hosts define the skill levels needed for their experience. Check out this Experience Resource Center article and set the skill level in the guest requirements section of your experience page.

Partner disclaimers

Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA): Courtesy of the Adventure Travel Trade Association. ©2021 Adventure Travel Trade Association. All rights reserved.

The Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) name is used with its permission, which in no way constitutes an endorsement or vetting of, express or implied, of any product, service, person, company, opinion or political position. The ATTA does not select or approve, and is not involved in the selection or approval of, Airbnb Experiences or Hosts. For more information about the Adventure Travel Trade Association, visit adventuretravel.biz.

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